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OLA Hospital Jos secures Global Laboratory Accreditation in Nigeria

From Jude Dangwam, Jos

The Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Hospital of the Catholic Arcdiocese of Jos Plateau State has became the first faith-based organization to have secured the Global Laboratory Accreditation in Nigeria.

The faith base hospital is the third hospital on the Plateau to have received the Global Laboratory Certification in the health industry.

The hospital which commenced activities in 1943 in the tin city of Jos had its formal presentation of International Standard Organization (ISO) 15189 (2012), through the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), held Thursday at the Conference Hall of the School of Midwifery OLA Hospital in Jos the Plateau State Capital.

The Catholic Archbishop of Jos Arcdiocese His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Matthew Audu, said the hospital has a long standing history of collaboration with organizations both within and outside Nigeria which enhanced the actualization of the Laboratory Certification.

The Archbishop, represented by Rev. Father Daniel Gyang said test result from OLA hospital would now enjoy international acceptance, adding that it is a landmark achievement in the annals of the Catholic Archdiocese of Jos.

The Chief Administrator OLA Hospital, Rev. Sister Jovita Egwu said God has been faithful to the hospital which is central to healthcare provision in the State devoid of religion, tribe or social status.

“As we all know, the role of Laboratory service delivery and Laboratory accreditation towards patients care is one of paramount importance. Crucial to effective health services are laboratory results that are accurate, reliable and timely.